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  1. #1
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    Do you prewire between the computer and the TV?

    I'm finishing a prewire for a client that will take care of his pretty basic wants for a/v and tele/computer networking.

    He asked if I was going to run lines between the computer location in the family room and the opposite wall where the TV and all a/v components reside.

    I couldn't think of any current practical use for that, but to be "looking forward" more, what lines should be run between these two areas, and for what purpose.

    Note that both areas are fed by 2 cat5 cables going back to the media panel already.

    "Just what part of 'thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not lie' don't you like??"

  2. #2

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    If his computer has tv out on it, you could run a line for that. Or if he has a plasma and wants to use it as an aux monitor.
    For the tv out, you could run an RG-6, or a couple of cat5e with a muxlab stereo av balun which will send your audio line outs and a composite down a cat5e. (youll need another one at the other end to convert back)

  3. #3
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    How about a shieled, balanced audio cable for sending mp3's, streaming audio, etc. to the A/V system?

  4. #4
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    This is where that 2" conduit come to play.
    Audio would definately be the big one though.
    Why do I have to be Have?
    And who the heck is he anyway?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman68
    For the tv out, you could run an RG-6, or a couple of cat5e with a muxlab stereo av balun which will send your audio line outs and a composite down a cat5e. (youll need another one at the other end to convert back)
    I haven't used the baluns yet. Is that one cat5 carrying two channels of audio plus video, or separate for each?

    "Just what part of 'thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not lie' don't you like??"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry
    This is where that 2" conduit come to play.
    Gotta second that ... We always run a 2" conduit and have not had any problems ...

  7. #7

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    Check out the Muxlab site. They have all sorts of baluns. All reasonably priced as well.

  8. #8
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    What they said. But usually my wires are home run between the computer and the whole house audio rack. Usually at least 2 RG6. Plus both locations will always have a 2x2 structured wire connection so just about anything can be rigged later. I like the idea of the conduit though...



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