View Full Version : What do you think about Control4???
05-02-2007, 11:42 PM
I currently install Crestron & RTI, but am considering adding Control4 to my mix, for the "Sub Crestron" applications (& pricepoints).
I've heard some good things about them, but would like additional input from people that have used it.
What do you think:?:
How's the programming?
How's the reliability?
How's the factory support?
Thank you!
Justis Peters
05-03-2007, 12:17 AM
Check out this thread: It was started just a couple days ago, but it's in the "verified" section.
For the record, I love the Control4 product. I'm glad that we're dealers.
Kind regards,
Great toilet control, although Doug is pretty sure this is a wall docking station.
Can't say it was very water resistant though.
05-03-2007, 07:23 AM
Fortuneteller, you have the best avatars!
Fortuneteller, you have the best avatars!
He does doesn't he. It is always a trip to see what people have up there.
Fortuneteller, you have the best avatars!
Got to keep the shrinks worried. ;)
FT, Did you dump all of your C4 gear or did it go back to Jim? I might want to play with a couple of dimmers and HTC.
05-10-2007, 12:02 AM
Check out this thread: It was started just a couple days ago, but it's in the "verified" section.
For the record, I love the Control4 product. I'm glad that we're dealers.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the recommendation, I hadn't seen this one yet. It looks like there's some great feedback!
05-10-2007, 12:04 AM
Very funny! I see you don't sugar coat your opinions;)
04-17-2008, 07:33 AM
Well I havent been working with C4 for very long now but so far it has been nothing but trouble for me to get working.:confused:
Well I havent been working with C4 for very long now but so far it has been nothing but trouble for me to get working.:confused:
Slip into the verified section for more info. Or email me your project that you are having a tough time with and I will take a look at it.
I do not feel comfortable giving programing tips, and screen shots of my programming on a public forum.
I can say this with the utmost sincerity..... 90%of my I can not get this Control 4 thing to work is my fault in programming. 10% RMA. But that is just me.
Well I havent been working with C4 for very long now but so far it has been nothing but trouble for me to get working.:confused:
What type of network equipment are you using? What type of issues are you having with making it work?
good to see you back Robb! It is about time you got back to the boards! :D
Very Serious here..
We have been a Control 4 Dealer for 2 years and I absolutely Love it..
There are enough of us out here if you have questions, we can assist..
Thanks for bringing this up..
04-17-2008, 03:29 PM
For the right project it's a good product line. Push it too far without having done something similar in the past though and you may be opening yourself up to a problem.
Even Control4 will tell you that they do not want to compete with high-end Crestron. Some people have made the arguement elsewhere that it is a Crestron replacement, but that, IMO is pushing things.
04-17-2008, 06:33 PM
We just installed our first system. Compared to most installations, I would say this one ranked as VERY easy. No problems yet. It just works. I had to modify a serial driver that didn't work properly(pre-existing NuVo system), but I did find a way to do it and I'm really happy with it. This was about 10 dimmers/switches, two stats, 1 HC-500 controlling two TVs, two cable boxes, one DVD, XM, six zones of audio. I'm going to add a 10" in-wall TS and one wireless TS in the next couple of weeks. Really happy so far.:D
04-17-2008, 06:40 PM
Well I quess I just need to give it more time, I am use to doing Crestron and now that I'm with a new company and they just got into the Control4 line I need to give it more time to get myself use to what it can and can not do. Can anyone tell me just what the range is on the wireless products that they use?
Well I quess I just need to give it more time, I am use to doing Crestron and now that I'm with a new company and they just got into the Control4 line I need to give it more time to get myself use to what it can and can not do. Can anyone tell me just what the range is on the wireless products that they use?
varies....... to many variables to answer. do you have wyspy or something?
04-17-2008, 08:10 PM
No I dont have anything like that, is there a place that I can download it?
Xiaver, I hate to ask again but...
What type of network equipment are you using? What type of issues are you having with making it work?
We're here to help, and get you up to speed. Like I told a fellow IPer recently,
REAL network equipment, stay away from wireless stuff (like everything else), and create your own drivers. Have a narrow range of products you sell into these systems and verify the drivers work 110%. Once you get the hang of it following these suggestions you can THEN start playing around with all of the other things it is capable of, and even some of the wireless equipment. When I say wireless, I mean wifi, 802.11, not the Zigbee. Zigbee works well.
Xiaver, I hate to ask again but...
What type of network equipment are you using? What type of issues are you having with making it work?
We're here to help, and get you up to speed. Like I told a fellow IPer recently,
REAL network equipment, stay away from wireless stuff (like everything else), and create your own drivers. Have a narrow range of products you sell into these systems and verify the drivers work 110%. Once you get the hang of it following these suggestions you can THEN start playing around with all of the other things it is capable of, and even some of the wireless equipment. When I say wireless, I mean wifi, 802.11, not the Zigbee. Zigbee works well.
listen to OB1 young C4 dude... he will guide you in the ways of the force!
04-18-2008, 09:49 PM
Well as of now we dont have any one kind of wireless router that we are useing like I said I just got with this company and I still have alot to find out about when it come to C4. If you or anyone else has any ideas that would make it easyer for us please let me know.
04-18-2008, 10:29 PM
Is your whole company having trouble with installs? If you are new, seems like maybe someone with some experience with the line should be at least helping out on the C4 installs until you are acclimated. You still haven't been specific about what problems you are having.
04-19-2008, 05:51 PM
Well as of now we dont have any one kind of wireless router that we are useing like I said I just got with this company and I still have alot to find out about when it come to C4. If you or anyone else has any ideas that would make it easyer for us please let me know.
Still havent answered Robb's question. It may not be wireless, but he's asking what kind it is. consumer grade? Commercial grade? Brand? Model #?
06-11-2008, 11:48 AM
sorry it took this long to get back with you guys, i am using a AirPort Extreme router model # A1143 and as far as the C4 stuff goes this is what we have installed-HC-500, Multi Channel Amp-16, Multi Tuner w/XM card, 2 POE LCD Keypads, & a wireless outlet switch. The problem i am having is that there is alot of lag time between when the client pushes a button till the system does what you want it to do (30-45 sec. at times). And the system keeps locking up and we keep having to go out and rest the system and router to get it back up and going. If anyone can help with this it would be alot of help for me.
Set as many products as possible to static IPs outside of the router's DHCP range. Make sure that the router, and any other networking equipment, are on a UPS with clean power. There shouldn't be the lag you are speaking of, unless maybe you just did a software update? Then the network slows down as it distributes to the devices.
Try a different router, maybe there's an issue with the one you have. We use Watchguard or Sonicwall routers, mostly Sonicwalls now. Both are very stable and make the systems stable.
06-12-2008, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the reply I had to go get a 5 port switch and put the tuner and the amp on the network. As for now that seems to be doing the trick :D , we will see for how long it lasts. LOL!
06-18-2008, 12:53 PM
Set as many products as possible to static IPs outside of the router's DHCP range. Make sure that the router, and any other networking equipment, are on a UPS with clean power. There shouldn't be the lag you are speaking of, unless maybe you just did a software update? Then the network slows down as it distributes to the devices.
Try a different router, maybe there's an issue with the one you have. We use Watchguard or Sonicwall routers, mostly Sonicwalls now. Both are very stable and make the systems stable.
I was going suggest making sure that all of the Control-4 devices have been upgraded and are operating on the same software release. SOme thing else we found, was the default DHCP range on the newer Router/Modems are set from 1 to 254. We are goinging and limiting the DHCP range from 170 to 200 and leaving the rest for Static IP. You may have a system working one day and then one of the computers will land on the same address as a Control-4 unit... troubles.
As for Control-4. Their stuf rocks! Great people producing Greast PRoduct and moving forward on a daily basis... (5) years with them now and could not be happier.:)
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