View Full Version : High end home theater fun in Richmond VA :D
01-30-2005, 01:13 AM
Just wanted to share a link with you guys of some pics of one of our (Richmond Audio Society) members system. It is still a work in progress, but we all get together every other month and drink good beer, have catered food, listen to music/systems, and spin our propeller hats :)
Just in case you didn't think it was worth looking at....
[Left, Right, and Center Channels]
Identical 9 ft. 2 in., 3-way line sources.
Midbass: 24 – 7-inch Scanspeak mid woofers each in separate sealed enclosures, driven by a Krell fpb 600 amp.
Mid Range: 4 Bohlander Graebner 50-inch planar drivers, driven by an fpb 600.
Hi Frequency: 36 Panasonic leaf tweeters, driven by an fpb 200.
Crossover: Krell 3 way mono kbx electronic.
16 Krell 15-inch metal cone drivers as used in their master subwoofer reference.
8 drivers per side in a 10 ft. line array.
Each side driven by an fpb 600.
4 drivers on each side of the stereo amps.
Rear Channels
[Rear Channels]
4 Surround Towers
Identical 8 ft. 3-way line sources, each containing 18 Scanspeak dynamic drivers.
6 – 8-inch kevlar cone woofers
6 – 5-inch kevlar cone mids
6 Revelator tweeters.
One fpb 300 amp per tower; one half driving the woofers thru a kbx electronic xover and the other half driving the mids and tweeters thru passive xovers.
Rear Center Channel
3 way horizontal d'apollito array with the same driver compliment as the side towers.
3 way Krell mono xover used along with an fpb 300 amp and 1/2 of an fpb 200.
In total, there are 6 Krell electronic xovers, and 12 Krell fpb stereo amps: 5 fpb 600's, 5 fpb 300's and 2 fpb 200 amps with all amps running on 220 volt lines. This part of the exhibit is brought to you by Dominion Power.
01-30-2005, 02:00 AM
2C, please call me; I'd love to join you guys.
01-30-2005, 06:56 AM
Wow really impressive.
01-30-2005, 08:25 AM
Wow. What is the budget on that job?
01-30-2005, 10:33 AM
I'll play devil's advocate.
With that many drivers in a 9ft+ array, I noticed the towers were straight (not curved concave) and no DSP (that I noticed) was being employed. Soooo, the top drivers are not going to be time-aligned with the drivers down further, that are at ear level. I would suspect this would cause a slight smearing of the sound.
Undoubtedly this set-up sounds good (plenty of time and money spent into it) I just wonder if it's sounding all that it can be. If you've heard it, does the high's sound silky smooth & clear or do they have a bit of ting, rasp, or brightness to them - the former could be a result of the time-alignment.
Brad I forgot to mention that he has multiple Rives audio controllers, and the room has been RTA'd and is acoustically perfect, at least at this point. The guy who owns this system has been in the audio business for all of his life and is a degreed acoustic, mechanical and electrical engineer...lots of time in school. He developed the baffles on the origional Thiel loudspeakers (the concrete ones) as well as developed a plethra of other devices for our industry, a really cool guy, and would never guess in a million years by looking at him, or talking with him he has the $$ or the brain power that he does.
With all that said, the room is perfect, truely flawless, at least in terms of SQ.
01-30-2005, 10:36 AM
Wow. What is th ebudget on that job?
when complete, it will push $500K, and that is at discounted prices
01-31-2005, 07:51 AM
Went to see and hear the system yesterday, WOW is all I can say. He has over 4000 man hours in the building of the speakers and the room, and he says he has another 500 or so to go. He had the power company install a transformer just for his house!!! I will keep you guys posted if you are interested. Because of the scope of this project, and the manufactures knowledge of what he is doing, in about a year (once it is fully completed) you will see several articles and write ups in all the major magazines, showing what he has done, to me this is a major acomplishment for one person to take on.
02-14-2005, 11:52 AM
who needs internet porn when there's that...??
Wow...That's amazing. Easily the largest speaker array in a theatre I've seen yet.
My question is...Why? Does he want Extreme SPL? Is 140 dB his goal? I just don't understand what that would deliver that a nice set of Meridian 8000's couldn't do. Besides LOUD that is.
What kind of projector/screen? What kind of control?
02-15-2005, 07:24 PM
My question is...Why? Does he want Extreme SPL? Is 140 dB his goal? I just don't understand what that would deliver that a nice set of Meridian 8000's couldn't do. Besides LOUD that is.
What kind of projector/screen? What kind of control?
Why ? because he can, wouldn't you? No this guy has made great audio a passion all of his life, and a profession for another part. As far as the control system and the screen and projector that is yet to be determined, right now it is a basic set up with a sanyo FP ( I know ) and a stewart screen. Fear not I am sure that when it is all said and done it will be a complete package. I just can't wait to see and hear it once it is complete, the pictures don't do the system justice at all. The speaker cabinets are just amazingly beautiful, some of the finest finishing I have ever seen on any speaker regardless of price.
02-16-2005, 01:57 AM
What cracks me up is the picture of the massive (although only half of them if I read the description right!) wall of sub drivers and the one little fire extinguisher sitting there next to them! All I can think is "Man, one small squirter just ain't gonna do it when those Krells get away from you guys!" :lol:
02-24-2005, 08:57 PM
Wow, I just had this vision of Norm Abrahms and Tim "the Toolman" Taylor in a bad epsiode of the 6 million dollar man.
04-15-2005, 11:12 PM
I cant get the link to work:(
07-01-2005, 10:09 AM
ido, take the ras out of the link and it will get you there.
does the link not work anymore?
02-25-2006, 04:05 PM
No go on the link.
Couldn't find the system on the sight either.
02-25-2006, 09:28 PM
yeah the site was moved from one provider to another, site was revamped, photos were moved/removed...hopefully as the new site is reworked all of the members systems photos will show back up...It is a mighty impressive thing to see and hear...just imagine...your very own transformer!
03-09-2006, 04:57 PM
Wow, I just had this vision of Norm Abrahms and Tim "the Toolman" Taylor in a bad epsiode of the 6 million dollar man.
Me too! As soon as i opened the site I grunted like Tim. That project is 5 man grunts worthy.
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