View Full Version : Indy Audio Labs brings back Acurus and Aragon electronics brands

09-08-2012, 06:55 PM
Indy Audio Labs is comprised of two of the engineers who were recruited from positions within very strong commercial and consumer a/v electronics companies to head up the engineering tasks at Klipsch when they acquired these brands from Mondial Designs, and the former ZON multi-zone systems.

When the economy constricted, Klipsch decided to stick to their core competencies and focus efforts on their loudspeaker products. These gentlemen decided that what they had been working on was too good NOT to bring to market, so they acquired the brands and intellectial properties to the brands, and created the Indy Audio Labs parent company.

The name Acurus has always stood for 'accuracy from the US', so even though this is the value line among the two brands, it still remained imperative to Indy Audio Labs to maintain US manufacturing.

For those who may not have come from a specialist a/v background, I want to share a little bit about the legacy of these two brand names.

In the Mondial heyday, a lot of specialists chose to offer Acurus as an answer to the larger value priced separates lines of the day (Carver, Adcom, Rotel, Parasound, etc.) who had larger marketing budgets, letting the sound and build quality sell the line.

Aragon was considered a competitor to some of the best amps of the day, and some of Aragon's most famous legacy products were designed and engineered by Dan D'Agostino (founder and chief designer for Krell).

I am glad to see these brands revived, and I was definitely impressed with the fit and finish of the products I saw at their CEDIA booth this week, as well as some of the unique control and integration elements that were an obvious priority in the design of these amps.

09-08-2012, 07:06 PM
1 word... ACT-3.

09-08-2012, 07:19 PM
1 word... ACT-3.

When I sold hi-fi and home theater from 1991-99, one of my competitors sold Acurus separates. As recently as one year ago, I have been on site for former clients of that company and ran into Acurus powered systems that are easily 15-20 yrs old that were still perfectly functional and sounding great.

09-09-2012, 04:01 PM
Could you mention some specifics about the focus on control and integration? Also, what price points are we talking about at retail for the "value" line, Acurus? I know the name, but have never sold or used their equipment. I am very leery of a Theta-like experience, where a company aspires to upper-middle or hi-fi, but fails to understand that basic things like firmware and control protocols must be solid and reliable without exception, or very few people will give a damn about the potential sound quality.

09-09-2012, 04:18 PM
When I sold hi-fi and home theater from 1991-99, one of my competitors sold Acurus separates. As recently as one year ago, I have been on site for former clients of that company and ran into Acurus powered systems that are easily 15-20 yrs old that were still perfectly functional and sounding great.

Just saying people from the good old days know ACT-3. Jesus. The AVS threads were the thing of legend... Back when the interwebz was just getting going.

09-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Could you mention some specifics about the focus on control and integration? Also, what price points are we talking about at retail for the "value" line, Acurus?

Rick Santiago and John Caldwell can discuss this. I am making an MZ for these products.

09-11-2012, 03:33 PM
Hi Guys,

John Caldwell, VP US Sales for Indy Audio Labs here.

Some of you may know me from StJohn Group. Last December, I took all of the brands there and moved them into my own new company called Grace Motif (www.gracemotif.com (http://www.gracemotif.com)).

With regards to Acurus and Aragon price points (all models now shipping):

A2002. 2 x 200W audio amplifier: $2499 retail
A2005. 5 x 200W audio amplifier: $3499 retail
A2007. 7 x 200W audio amplifier: $3999 retail
200W into 8 Ohms, 300W into 4 Ohms.
All models are THXฎ Ultra2TM certified

• high-quality, high-value amplifier featuring fully-discrete analog design. Class AB
• ideal companion for a high-performance 2-channel preamp or DAC-based system
• perfect upgrade for enhancing the stereo experience from a multichannel AVR
• stand-alone or rack-mount with optional kit
• intelligent, flexible, Ethernet-based control and status monitoring. Also IR and RS232 control.
• readily interfaces with popular home control solutions
• software upgradable
• solid American engineering and construction
__________________________________________________ _

Coming in Q1 2013 - the Acurus Act-4, 7.1 surround preamplfier processor.
$3500 target retail

full-color TFT display
Dolby HD
HDMI 1.4a
ultra-low distortion
install-ready configuration
ethernet connectivity
RS-232 interface
12V trigger
AM/FM Tuner
made in U.S.A.

Aragon models and prices (all models now shipping):

400W Differential monoblock amplifier
400W into 8 Ohms, 600 W into 4 Ohms, 800 W into 2 Ohms
$3999 retail

• successor to the venerable Aragon Palladium monoblock
• modern version of the “classic Aragon V” chassis design
• ultra high-power, low-distortion, highest-performance amplification
• drives the most demanding loudspeaker loads with ease
• left and right-handed models
• ethernet-based control and status monitoring
• readily interfaces with popular home control solutions
• software upgradable
• solid American engineering and construction

200W Dual Monoblock amplifier
400W into 8 Ohms, 600 W into 4 Ohms, 800 W into 2 Ohms
$3999 retail

• modern example of the classic 8000-series performance and ruggedness
• contemporary version of the “classic Aragon V” chassis design
• high-power, high-performance 2-channel amplification
• dual, symmetrical power supply
• ethernet-based control and status monitoring
• readily interfaces with popular home control solutions
• software upgradable
• solid American engineering and construction


Coming in Q2 2013, model 28D, 2-Channel 6 Analog, 2 Digital Input Pre-amp with
Dual Stereo and Digital Outputs. Ethernet/RS232.
$2499 target retail.

Coming in 2013, Sound Stage II, Ethernet controllable 7.1 Pre-amp/Processor with
Optional Zone 2, HDMI, HD audio processing, and Balanced Outputs. Ethernet/RS232.
$4499 target retail

Coming in 2013, 8008x3. 3-channel Aragon 200W Power Amplifier with 2
ohm capability, balanced inputs, remote trigger, and optional rack-mount kit. Ethernet/RS232.
$4499 target retail

Please don't hesitate to contact me or your local rep (see list on www.indyaudiolabs.com (http://www.indyaudiolabs.com)) at any time for more details on the product and program.